Monday, September 17, 2012

Rural Games (Pinoy Style): Jolen

One of the famous rural game in the Philippines is the "Jolen" or Marble Game. The game is played mostly by children (5-12 years old) and played by two opposing players. The marbles are placed in the earth then one of the player will hit the target marble. I admit it is a small for of gambling because the price of the game is the bet marbles. but still enjoyable to play. 

The type of marble that are used in the game is a glass marble like in the image at the right. Moreover, the marbles should not have any cracks or fractures so that the opponent will accept your marble as bet for your game.


1. Glass Marbles
2. Cue Marble (The marble that they will use to hit other marble)
2. An area to play
The area should look like the the image above. The size of the holes, the distance of the holes to the shooting line and the size of the shooting line should be agreed by the two players.


1. The two party should agree how many marbles they will bet. 

2. The players will throw their cue marbles to the line from the line near the holes. Whoever is the nearest marble from the line will play first.

3. In the game turn; the player will throw all the marbles they bet to the holes and try to shoot even just one marble in the hole. If the marble will go inside the hole the player will take all the bet and if not; the player will  have two choices if the his/her opponent will in-line all the marbles in the line near the holes then try to hit one of the marbles or he/she will give his/her opponent to choose what marble he/she has to hit.

4. When hitting the marbles; if he/she chose to in-line all the marbles, he/she must only hit one marble and should not move the rest or else it will be his/her opponents turn. If the player will let his/her opponent to choose what marble he/she will hit, the opponent will immediately put marbles in the hole and then the player will hit the  opponent's chosen marble to hit and if player will hit the wrong marble the turn will be ended.

The aim of the game is earn more marbles from their opponent.

There are many ways this can be played but this is the one I usually play.

Thank you for reading my post! 
Please feel free to comment.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Gandang Mais

The products of Gandang Mais was mainly made from corn husks. This was designed by Mrs. Milagros Evangelista and made by some of her trained locals of GenSan.
I was so amazed that when you look at the flowers from a far, they really look real and the quality of each products are for export. The products are all hand made to secure the quality. 

The idea of making products from corn husks can help in environmental conservation  because they utilize the by products of corn rather than burning it.

Dried Fish Production

         One of the business the we assisted during MASICAP II time was Dried Fish Production of GenSan Dried Fish Makers Association. the association is one of the biggest producer of dried fish in General Santos City. The pictures are taken during the data gathering and plant visit, at this time we study all the process of how to make dried fish. The project was for the purchase of mechanical dryer and to be subitted to Department of Science and Technology.

        It takes a lot of skill to slice the fish because the knife is very sharp that it can cut the bones en one slash. when cutting the fish there should be no repeating slash to preserve the quality of the product. 

The Soaking of the fish to the water salt mixture.

Slicing of the Fish

 Slicing of the Fish

 Washing of the Fish before Drying.

Drying of fish in the net under the sun.

This was also one of the est memory during my MASICAP II Time
God I love this job.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sarangani Highlands

It's always nice to be in a peaceful place like in Sarangani highlands at General Santos City.
With the green grass land and wonderful view of Sarangani Bay.
This was one of best place I've ever been in GenSan